Are Hydropool Hot Tubs Good? 10 Facts You Should Know About the Brand
If you’re considering a hot tub purchase, you want to ensure you’re making the most of your money. Your hot tub must perform the way you want it to, it should be reliable, it needs to provide good value and it should come with all the features you want (and maybe even a few you didn’t realize you could have).
So, what’s holding you back? If you were buying a computer, you might head to the Apple store and pick one out that has what you want. You know Apple makes good computers – the company is an industry leader after all.
The problem is that there’s a good chance you haven’t heard of many of the quality hot tub brands before. Apple, General Electric, Range Rover, and Nabisco are all big brands, but none of them make hot tubs.
So right off the bat, it’s fair that you’re wondering, “who is legit?” And just as importantly, “who isn’t?”
We understand the “Are Hydropool hot tubs any good” question because it comes up often. At Hydropool, we know the world of hot tubs makes you dig a little deeper to find out information on the brands and tubs that are being sold.
Because we’re proud of our product, we want to help make it easier for our customers to understand both what makes a good hot tub, and why Hydropool is a good value and a good buy.

Should I Buy a Hydropool Hot Tub?
We believe our hot tubs are worth considering. Here’s 10 reasons why:
- We have both a history and a future. We have been around for more than 40 years, which should give you some peace of mind that we will be around for the next 40 (and beyond). Have a question about your tub? We will be there.
- We have continually grown as a company. We haven’t done this through big advertising campaigns featuring low, low low prices. We have cemented ourselves in the hot tub market by ensuring Hydropool builds a quality product.
- Our products feature patented self-cleaning technology. Our Signature line has self-cleaning technology that makes our tubs the easiest hot tubs to maintain out of anything that you can buy. Others may say it, but they are talking about filtration: We are the only hot tub and swim spa in company in the world that offers a self-cleaning hot tub.
- We are high end, but not the highest. We know our customers want quality for their money. We aren’t ashamed to say that we aren’t the cheapest, across all our product lines. We aren’t the most expensive either. We don’t aspire to that role in the marketplace. We are in the quality luxury end of the range: If we were a car, we’d be in the Audi/Volvo/BMW class of vehicles.
- We are water experts. Our background is that we began as a commercial pool company and developed from there. From the beginning, we have focused on creating ideal water-based experiences. Our focus hasn’t been on specific parts, but the entire experience. Our slogan is “The Water is Calling” because we want to illustrate that a great water experience is our priority.
- Our products have evolved with a focus on energy efficiency: We aren’t selling the same tub we made 40 years ago. Our insulation methods have changed over time. Today we use the best of all worlds to create an ideal environment that helps your tub stay hot, at a lower cost to you.
- We offer four-zone body massage with our jets that we call Zone Therapy: Upper Core, Core, Lower Body and Reflexology make our jets comparable or better than any other product on the market.
- Our hot tubs are locally made, out of the same office that holds our head office: We don’t outsource production: Every Hydropool hot tub is built in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
- Our products are built by hand: They are also inspected by a quality control person at every step in the building process.
- Hydropool hot tubs are tested before they are sent to you: Each tub is filled with water, and all parts assessed before it is shipped, so you know you’re getting a tub that is in prime working order when it arrives.
It can be tough to know which brands are legitimate brands and which aren’t in the world of hot tubs. You must do research to find out, which you already know, because you’re reading this story!
This list was intended to highlight some of the reasons why we believe Hydropool is worth buying. We believe Hydropool makes a quality hot tub, and clearly, we hope you will come to believe the same thing as well! If you’re ready to talk to a Hydropool dealer about buying a tub, click here.